International Journal of Nations Research

The Role of Gamification in the Effectiveness of Education in Preschool and Elementary School


  • 1- Corresponding Author: Master's Student in Educational Sciences, Fasa branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
  • 2- Ph.D. in Curriculum Planning, Lecturer at Farhangian University, Iran
Received: 24 March 2022 | Accepted: 21 July 2021


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Playing to acquire basic skills, especially in preschools and elementary schools, has been one of the most effective methods of learning since decades ago and even today. Preschools and elementary schools acquire learning and all kinds of motor skills through educational games. Due to these educational benefits, gamification is quickly accepted and very important to engage learners in education. Therefore, the present article tries to investigate the effectiveness of the process of gamification of system thinking education. Next, the question raised is how gamification can be effective in the effectiveness of preschool and elementary school education. which examines this assumption with a descriptive-analytical method: systems thinking is a complementary set of analytical skills that are used to improve the ability to recognize and understand systems, predict their behavior, devise changes in them to create desired desired effects. Finally, the findings indicate that gamification is very effective in learning to teach preschool and elementary school courses.