International Journal of Nations Research

Comparative Study Aspects of the Commander in Chief Regarding the Cargo (goods) based on the Amendment of Marine Act 1391


  • 1- Corresponding Author: Member of Faculty of Law, University of Kashan, Iran
Received: 5 September 2019 | Accepted: 23 October 2019


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The shipmaster had numerous responsibilties as the owner of ship, cargo and forwarder. The different aspects of this liability and its span has always chanllenged and demanded an argumentation. Although in marine act1343, has been mentioned about the responsibilities of the commander but by growing nowadays requirements and the development of relationships in recent years, it was essential to recognise some other new obligations regarding the commander duties and engage in the form of amending some rules and initiating some new regulations. In the amendment of marine act has been considered different duties for the commander such as his responsibility regarding the cargo, ship, environment, crew, labour and etc. In this article we will consentrate on obligations and responsibilities of the commander regarding the cargo. The shipment was always one of the main elements on maritime transportation and due to this matter, safe delivery to the destination is the main goal in every voyage. We should consider some related necessities to achieve this goal. The commander has to prepare some of these requirements to prove that he has done the duties. Leaving either of these obligations will impose him some liabilities and finally he will be responsible to compensate the average.