International Journal of Nations Research

Think Tanks and Decision-making Process in the U.S. Foreign Policy


  • 1- Corresponding Author: School of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SIR), Iran
Received: 25 August 2019 | Accepted: 23 October 2019


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The pluralistic structure of the United States, along with official actors, also considers the role of informal actors important. As one of the most important actors among these actors, think tanks as informal actors have long been influential in the US foreign policy decision-making process, meaning that formal actors are influential in the decision-taking stage, and informal actors, including think tanks and political lobbies, are influential in the decision-making stage. In this study, the role of American think tanks in theory and practice and whether think tanks have had a significant impact on US national security are discussed. At the same time, the main focus of this research is on the network approach to decision making. What this approach addresses is the interconnectedness of different actors in decision making that makes the analysis of the role of think tanks meaningful in this context. These centers consider the following five ways to impact and influence the decision-making process of American foreign policy: First, they provide the decision-makers with different ideas. Second, hey train the experts needed for the body of government or employ former government staff. Third, they provide the ground for important and substantive discussions through conferences, and the presence of experts in television and radio programs. Fourth, by publishing their reports, they align citizens with themselves and guide public opinion in line with established policies. Finally, they serve as centers for anticipating present and future crises and problems and providing solutions for them. In other words, these centers serve as a bridge and a place for a consensus of intellectual and instrumental elites in the United States.