International Journal of Nations Research

The Place of Obedience based on Option and Insight in Islamic Management


  • 1- Corresponding Author: Director of the Department of Islamic Education, Sattari Aerial University, Iran
  • 2- Criminal Law and Criminology, Iran
Received: 2 August 2019 | Accepted: 23 October 2019


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In religious doctrines, obedience is especially important in the eyes of the Infallibles, so that true faith is subject to intellectual and practical submission to God and the Prophet of Islam. However, even in the face of infallibility, it has been emphasized that obedience is based on two principles of option and vision and the obedience should not be ignorant and algebraic. But in the management system, regarding the command and subordination relationship between the superior and the subordinate, several theories have been put forward, including contingency theories explaining that there is no single version of management, rather the management is subject to contingencies. This is in some way opposed to the obedience subject to option and vision. This article, in an interpretative way and by analyzing the qualitative content of the verses and narrations, presents the evidence that the obedience is based on option and vision, and presents its infallible patterns, and it seeks to present the view that when it is forbidden for infallibles to commit algebraic and ignorant surrender, this prohibition applies to the non-infallibles as well and it should be considered in the Islamic management, one of its important mundane outcomes being the consolidation of the spiritual and physical discipline of the staff.